Our Stories

Since 2016, we have worked with many different community members throughout our many projects including hundreds of volunteers & staff who have been a part of Elpida Home’s story since day one. Below, you will find their testimonials and reflections of their experiences with us.

Community Interviews

Berivan - Interview - Elpida Home


I am Berivan, I came with my family from Iraq (Kurdish) and have lived in Greece now for 5 years.
Khuder - Interview - Elpida Home


I am Khuder, I am from Iraq (Kurdish) and have been in Greece for 4 years.
Community Testimonials - Elpida Home

Community Testimonials

“ I would like to express our deepest appreciation for your excellent service, facilities, hard work, kindness, honesty, commitment and penitence from the beginning to the end of our journey you have provided… “

Volunteer Testimonials

Marina Tsirambidis - Elpida Home

Marina Tsirambidis

Spiros Sun - Elpida Home

Spiros Sun

Andrew Girouard - Elpida Home

Andrew Girouard

Now more than ever refugee families need our support. Your continued support will help provide food, medical care and emergency supplies to children, and families from conflict-affected countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria & Ukraine.
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