Andrew Girouard - Elpida Home

Volunteer Testimonial

Andrew's Story

My experience at Elpida home was very eye opening and widened my perspective on volunteer work.

I was able to understand the different components of running successful housing for displaced populations and the diligent work many of the volunteers must do to ensure they have what they need in a new country and what they will experience and should expect when they immigrate to America or Canada.

Before coming to Greece and working with Elpida home, I was nervous and did not know how teaching classes would go with the Afghan population. My experience with working with children and volunteer work was minimal but was dedicated to helping and participating in any way I could help.

However, it blew my expectations away and felt the volunteering work I did with the displaced people from the Lilypad project was important and valued.

I really enjoyed teaching them basic English and the culture and lifestyles of both the US and Canada. The memories I made with the people I will never forget for the rest of my life. Showing the children American football and just talking about the differences of our culture was a lot of fun and interesting to me.

In the future I plan to do more volunteer and aid work in the future. Thank you, guys, again for the wonderful experience as it is something that has changed my perspective on life and something I will remember for the rest of my life.

Andrew Giraurd

Sociology Student

at the University of Southern Hampshire

Don’t hesitate to ask for support! Our staff knows Greek, English, Arabic & Farsi.
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