Berivan - Interview - Elpida Home



I am Berivan, I came with my family from Iraq (Kurdish) and have lived in Greece now for 5 years.

What services did Elpida provide and how did they help your family in particular?

At first my asylum was rejected but Elpida Home took my hand and showed me the way. They supported me so much, mentally, for everything. I cannot begin to explain how amazing Elpida Home is. Whenever I spoke to friends in other cities both in Greece and back home, they all wanted to know what Elpida Home is, they cannot believe what has been provided to me.

Before I entered Elpida Home, I was in a bad situation from a health and support perspective. Elpida Home gave me a new life and supported my family medically with hospital appointments, mentally and socially they saved me.

How was your initial integration into Greece and how did Elpida support that?
During my time here, whenever I was in a bad situation or in a bad mood, I looked to Elpida Home since I know they will only give me another life, another chance. It is still an ongoing process but I have rebuilt my life in Greece. When we first arrived, mentally and psychologically it was very bad for the whole family. Socially, whatever I need, I knock on the door of Elpida. They are MY family. I wish for Elpida Home to spread into all the cities across the country. For me, if I can make an organisation myself, it would be like Elpida Home since it gives love to everyone.
How did Elpida Home support the family as a whole, especially your children?

Elpida Home they helped and supported our health overall but for the children they sorted hospital appointments, education, translator in the hospital in particular. They gave back the life of the kids which meant I regained my life too.

How has being in Greece shaped your experience, do you feel that you have rebuilt your life and do you think there is anything more which needs to be done to encourage integration more?
When I was back in my previous country, I did not have the freedom. I did not know how to read, communicate with others. In Greece, I have had a much happier life so far because I can do everything here and have all the freedom. Elpida Home has encouraged me to be open minded and rebuild my life.
Now more than ever refugee families need our support. Your continued support will help provide food, medical care and emergency supplies to children, and families from conflict-affected countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria & Ukraine.
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