Community Center - Elpida Home

Community Center

Sustainable Integration Hub


In order to reach vulnerable members of society and be accessible to urban populations, Elpida Home established its community center in the heart of Thessaloniki in January 2019.

The Goal

The Goal of Community Center - Elpida Home

The community center functions as an integration hub, providing a range of services that can reach the most vulnerable communities of Thessaloniki.

The goal is for these communities to access the services and participate in available programs and opportunities for their own empowerment.

The center offers access to legal representation and counseling, health support and psychosocial support.

Additionally, services are provided to support access to the labor market and social inclusion.

Social Assistance Program

The social assistance department offers short-term and long-term support to ensure the integration of vulnerable groups into society.

The social assistance department is supervised and guided by the Social Assistance Department Manager of Elpida Home through a combination of psycho-social and informational sessions for both beneficiaries and humanitarian aid workers.

Contact methods: or via WhatsApp / Phone call at: +30 694 368 5856

Health Consultation Program

The program aims to facilitate the access of vulnerable groups to the free health services provided by the Greek national health system.

The services provided are as follows:

  • Provision of information about the emergency department of the hospital on duty
  • Integration of the refugee population into the Greek health system and health services
  • Translation services during business hours (Greek, Arabic, English, Farsi)
  • Communication with doctors and/or medical staff to follow up on medical incidents
  • Booking medical appointments
  • Health information sessions for different target groups
  • Provision of basic information about the Greek health system to refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants

Contact methods: or via WhatsApp / Phone call at: +30 694 368 5856

Legal Program


Elpida Home’s legal department offers its services to beneficiaries in the wider area of Northern Greece, including the detention centers.

Beneficiaries have free access to various legal aid services, including consultancy and legal representation. While the department primarily focuses on asylum and family reunification cases under the Dublin III agreement, we also provide support on various other criminal, civil and administrative issues/cases that could affect the asylum and/or family reunification cases of beneficiaries.

Provision of legal advice, including information sessions to both groups and individuals.

Regular visits to detention centers in Northern Greece.

Contact methods:

Since the end of September 2021, Elpida Home has undertaken the temporary relocation of 360 displaced individuals from Afghanistan to Greece.
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